Thursday, July 5, 2012

big time!

one of the skulls at Yama Tattoo Studio

Hell yeah! yesterday my man got a little more tattooed at my friend's studio ( that guy is a freaking genius of the tattoo art! ) and ...ooh the drawing is so sweet! i'll post pictures later for sure.. now it's me wanting a brand new tattoo!!! god i want it so bad but can't get it at least for a little more! oh well i'll just get it at some point, actually i have 2 tattoos i need to get.. oh well there'll be the right time i guess.
By the way the most exciting news was that my little sister just had her high school exam ( here's a big thing, like taking a diploma in the USA) !!!!! i'm so proud i might cry! ahahaha love her so much yup yup!
and tonight imma go to a concert of my friends Southern Drinkstruction they're so much fun on the stage! dunno if i'll have my camera, in case i'll just post pictures yay!
i might upload other photos later ;) 
cheers folks!

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